型号Model R H P W
4 6 8 13 17 21
控制系统System 平衡调温控制系统(BTHC),以P.I.D.方式控制SSR
温度范围Temperature range -65℃~120℃
湿度范围Humidity Range 20~95%R.H
温度波动度Temp Constancy ±0.5℃
湿度波动度Humidity Constancy ±2.5%R.H
温度均匀度Temperature uniformity ±2.0℃
湿度均匀度Humidity evenness ±5.0%R.H
温度偏差Temperature deviation ±2.0℃
湿度偏差Humidity deviation ±3%R.H(≥75%R.H时)/±5.0%R.H(<75%R.H时)
升温时间Heat up time 20℃~80℃约60分钟以内Within 60min
降温时间Pull down time 20℃~-70℃约75分钟以内Within 75min
内箱尺寸Internal dimension(cm) W 210 300 390 300 390 480
H 210 210 210 210 210 210
D 205 205 205 430 430 430
外箱尺寸External dimension(cm) W 325 415 505 505 505 595
H 235 235 235 235 235 235
D 225 225 225 225 450 450
箱体结构Box structure 内壁采用进口专用设备生产的拼块式高密度聚胺脂制成夹芯保温板厚度为100mm,现场组合、安装。保温库板的内外壁材料为韩国进口双面喷涂彩钢板厚度为1.0mm
保温材质Insulation material 进口拜耳PU原料高压发泡而成,密度达40Kg/m3以上;
地板载重Floor load 600Kg/m2
箱门尺寸The size 单门式(80×180cm)、双门式(160×180),门上配玻璃观测窗(40×25cm)single opening door,Door window of observation on glass
冷冻系统Refrigeration system 气冷式/水冷式Air type/water-cooled
单段/复叠式原装进口半密式压缩机,环保冷媒(R404a)Single section/cascade type imported type compressor, environmental protection and dense refrigerant
控制器Controllor TEMI880 5.7英寸LCD彩色触摸屏,中/英文显示 TEMI880 color LCD screen,5.7 inches in English/Chinese
保护装置Safety Devices 漏电断路器、防反锁门(室内外均可开启)、室内急停按钮控制开关、“入室中”状态指示灯提示、设备安全防护、安全可靠的接地保护装置、三相电源过压、欠压、缺相、相序保护、无熔丝开关、加热器短路保护、鼓风电机超载保护、制冷机超压保护、制冷机超载保护、空焚防止保护器、陶磁快速保险丝、线路保险丝及全护套式端子、蜂鸣器及指示灯提供声光报警、、独立超温保护系统(当试验室温度超过设定值时切断加热电源,并发出声光报警)Leakage circuit breakers, anti-locked doors (on both indoor and outdoor), indoor emergency stop button control switch, "break-in" status indicator tips, equipment, security, safe and reliable ground fault protection devices, three-phase power supply overvoltage, undervoltage , phase loss, phase sequence protection, no-fuse breaker, heater short-circuit protection, blower motor overload protection, over voltage protection refrigerator, refrigerator overload protection, air protection to prevent burning, ceramic fast fuses, circuit protection fuse and all sets of terminals, buzzer and light to provide sound and light alarm, and independent overtemperature protection system (when the test chamber temperature exceeds the set value cut off the heating power, concurrent sound and light alarm)
标准配件Standard Accessories 28×34cm三层真空层观察窗1个(双开门2个)、ф5cm测试孔1个、60W防爆照明灯二支、三色状态指示灯(可提示人员“入室中”“运行中”, “故障中”)、加湿水箱1个、低阻抗橡胶电缆线2.5m长1条、RS-232C通讯界面端子一个(9PIN)、保险丝一套(易损件)、控制器使用说明书一套,操作说明书一套,测试报告一份28 × 34cm three observation window a vacuum layer (double-door 2), ф5cm test hole 1, 60W explosion-proof lighting two, three-color status indicator (which can prompt people "burglary in the" "operation", "failures"), wet tank 1, low impedance rubber cable 2.5m long one, RS-232C communication interface terminal a (9PIN), a fuse (wearing parts), a manual controller, operating a set of instructions, a test report
选配件Options 另加测试孔、记录仪、移动式斜坡、计算机通讯界面、联机软件、大玻璃窗、逆渗透纯水机、产品合格证、电气原理图、制冷/除湿系统图、产品材料明细表、保修卡、外购件合格证Plus a test hole, recorder, mobile ramp, computer communication interface, online software, large windows, reverse osmosis water machine, product certification, electrical schematics, cooling / dehumidification system diagram, the product bill of materials, warranty cards, purchased parts certificate
上一产品:步入式湿热交变试验室 下一产品:大型环境试验箱